For tech and business leaders partnering with VMware, we discuss trends, topics, and strategies for moving the business forward in the digital era. You‘ll hear from a range of global executives-including VMware leadership-about their struggles, successes, and strategies for handling what‘s coming next.
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Friday Mar 18, 2022
Aletha Noonan’s path at CDW began when she joined the sales team in 1994. Now the SVP of Product and Partner Management, Aletha has helped CDW become the leading multi-brand provider of IT solutions to business, government, education, and healthcare customers in the US, UK, and Canada. In 2021, CDW received the VMware Industry Partner Award winner for its outstanding work with healthcare organizations. On this episode, host Kathleen Tandy chats with Aletha about a wide array of topics, from the value of customer-centric partnerships and the generational nuances that shape them to the war for talent and what initiatives CDW has taken to attract and retain expertise in this constantly evolving ecosystem. Aletha’s passion, positive outlook, and inclusive attitude shine as she shares insights from her career. Enjoy this inspiring conversation.
About the Guest: Aletha Noonan is Senior Vice President of Product and Partner Management at CDW. You can find Aletha on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/aletha-c-noonan-56a7bb8/ or on Twitter at @alethaCDW.
About the Host: Kathleen Tandy is Vice President of Global Partner and Alliances Marketing at VMware. You can find Kathleen on LinkedIn at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ktandy85/, or on Twitter at @kaktandy.
To learn more about VMware's partner programs, please visit: https://www.vmware.com/partners/partner-executive-edge.html.
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